Haddon Class
Reception, Year 1 & Year 2
Miss Moss
Spring Term January - April 2025
Topic including English and Art
Spring 1
Dangerous Dinosaurs
In the Dangerous Dinosaurs project, we will find out about prehistoric animals that lived on Earth. We will learn facts about dinosaurs and discover how big some of these giant creatures were. We will learn about the difference between carnivores and herbivores. Finally, we will learn all about fossils, leading us to our exciting trip to the Manchester Museum, where we will find the answer to our big question ‘Is April real?’
Our English focus story will be Dear Dinosaur: T-Rex on Tour by Nicola O’Byrne.
Spring 2
Marvellous Machines
In the Marvellous Machines project, we will learn about technology that is part of their daily lives. We will explore various machines, learn about how machines help us and find out about how machines have changed and developed over time. We will learn about products that use electricity to make them work and explore magnetic and non-magnetic materials.
Our English focus story will be The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires.
This term, children in Reception will cover the following topics in their mathematical learning:
- Alive in 5
- Mass and Capacity
- Growing 7, 8, 9
- Length, height and time
- Building 9 and 10
- Explore 3D shapes
Year 1
This term, children in Year 1 will cover the following topics in their mathematical learning:
- Place value (within 20)
- Addition and Subtraction (within 20)
- Place Value (within 50)
- Length and height
- Mass and volume
Year 2
This term, children in Year 2 will cover the following topics in their mathematical learning:
- Money
- Multiplication and division
- Length and height
- Mass, capacity and temperature
This term, Haddon class will be staying active with cheerleading with coach Elena, invasion games and net/wall games.
In RE, we will be learning about special stories and special people. Our PSHE topics will focus on taking on challenges and listening to and following instructions.