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Hassop Class

Year 5 & Year 6
Mrs Ward

Spring Term - January 2025 - April 2025

In Hassop Class, our topic for the Spring Term is Dynamic Dynasties. This is a history-based topic, where we will learn about: how people lived during the Shang Dynasty; religion and culture; significant archaeological finds such as the oracle bones and tombs of notable individuals and the legacy of the Shang Dynasty. We will put this learning into context by looking at what was happening in the rest of the world at that time.                                                                                                                            

IIn English, we will be learning to use the features of descriptive writing and figurative language. Our English lessons will begin by reading about the Legend of the Chinese dragon. Children will have the opportunity to retell a story and then create their own narrative based on the Chinese dragon.  We will continue to practise our spelling and grammar rules through weekly spelling lessons and by playing games on Spelling Shed. Now we have become much faster at using dictionaries, our spelling lesson will focus on looking at the syllables and phonemes in our spelling words.


In maths, we are continuing to follow the White Rose mixed age planning for Years 5 and 6. We will begin the term by continuing our learning on multiplication and division. After this, we will learn how to multiple and divide fractions by integers and by fractions. Our times table knowledge will be very useful for these lessons! We will then move onto area, perimeter and volume, followed by fractions, decimals and percentages. We will also practise our arithmetic skills by completing daily and weekly challenges on Maths Bot.

In science, we will be learning about human reproduction and ageing. We will learn about life cycles and the processes and stages that take place at each point of life. We also learn about the characteristics of a mammal and use this to help us classify animals. Finally, we will learn about reproduction and the effects of ageing on the human body.


Our indoor P.E. lessons will take place on Mondays, this half term we will be learning to improve our gymnastics skills. We will continue to have outdoor P.E. lessons on Wednesdays with Miss Moss.

We will also be continuing our Wellbeing Wednesday activities where we will take 15 minutes out of our busy lives to reflect, be calm and be still. We use a series of meditations, mindfulness colouring and reflective tasks to help us feel more relaxed and confident in ourselves.



Hague Bar Primary School

Lower Hague, New Mills, High Peak, SK22 3AP